Grace and Courtesy – 3 Part Cards

Grace and Courtesy – 3 Part Cards


This set includes 102 cards

34 picture and label

34 only picture

34 only label

Size – 4.5 x 3.5

3.5 x 3.5

1 x 3.5

Grace and courtesy lessons are very important in the Montessori classroom. These cards are a great tool to present grace and courtesy lessons to your classroom.

File Type


  • Description
  • Size Guide


Grace and courtesy lessons are very important in the Montessori classroom. These cards are a great tool to present grace and courtesy lessons to your classroom.

  1. walk around the rug                                         16. raise your hands when u want to talk
  2. how to roll rug                                                   17. how to sit in circle time.
  3. pushing the chair in                                         18. setting table
  4. how to carry chair                                             19. how to sit properly and eat
  5. how to open and close door                            20. chewing food with mouth closed
  6. saying good morning                                        21. hold the fork in the left hand and knife in the right hand
  7. saying thank you                                               22. how to serve
  8. saying sorry                                                        23. tie your shoelaces on
  9. how to interrupt                                                24. how to hang your clothes
  10. be kind                                                                25. taking turn
  11. help others                                                         26. cleaning window
  12. how to blow your nose                                    27. mopping
  13. sneeze and cough on your arm                     28. sweeping
  14. wash hands                                                      29. cleaning table
  15. shake hands                                                      30. dusting